
How to put mathematical symbols in webpage for example like ≥ , ∝ and  ⊃ ?  Or is it possible to put all those symbols?

You have a lot of ways to write it. Some of it are easy in their own way. :D

You can copy from the Microsoft Word or Excel; and for me this is the most troublesome for you as you need to open the program, click on the Symbol and click on the symbol you want to put and copy it AND paste it in wherever webpage you want.

By using Windows Character Map.
This is almost the same like above I think but it is easier to do this way, I guess. Click on the link to find out more.

You can also use the <sup></sup> tag to create super script text and <sub></sub> to create sub-script text. Write the code in the HTML page to get the symbol.

Code: x<sup>x+1</sup>
Result: xx+1
Code: x<sub>i+1</sub>
Result: xi+1
Find out more here .

Another way is by installing software such as MathML. I don't try the software but it sounds easy to use, isn't it? Click on the link to find out more. There are a lot of software that are similar like MathML too. :D

MathPlayer is a plugin but only for IE Window user only, sorry. You need to install the plugin and they are ready to help you to put the mathematical notation and to top of this, it is free. :D Visit the website here .

But, now I want to tell you a way that it is quite easy for me. :D
Since all I have to do is to find the symbol I want from this website and copy paste the code into the HTML page. :D


I write this in the HTML page : P &cap Q = &empty
And the result is : P ∩ Q  = ∅   The intersection set of P and Q is an empty set.

As from what I know, it is better to copy paste the code instead of the symbol in the post page because sometimes internet can be quite troublesome, right?

Good luck in trying this..!!! =D